The benefits of Guava

Guava health benefits includes cancer prevention, managing diabetes, supporting healthy eyes, managing blood pressure, supporting healthy digestion, improving immunity system, supporting thyroid health, treating scurvy, slowing down aging process, supporting healthy metabolism, treating diarrhea and supporting weight loss..
Guavas are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as Vitamin C, riboflavin and thiamin. Guavas can be very useful in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells and also prevents tumor growth. Recent studies have shown that eating guava regularly negatively affects breast, prostate and oral cancer. Guava leaves contain oil that acts as an antiproliferative and it is tested to target cancerous growths and to prevent the spread of cancerous cells. Guavas also contain lycopene which targets prostate cancer and prevents it from taking roots.
Fruits are often confused as blood-sugar level spiking agents, but, guava is one of the most beneficial fruits that help keep the blood sugar levels in check. The high amounts of dietary fiber in guavas can positively affect the glucose blood sugar levels and prevent spikes in diabetes patients. Research conducted on type II diabetes suggests that regularly eating guava made a big difference in their blood sugar levels.
Eating the right diet can make a huge difference in the health of your eyes. Guavas are extremely rich in vitamins and vitamin A in particular which is known to prevent macular degeneration and protect the retina from being damaged by the effects of free radicals. Vitamin A keeps the oxidative stress at bay and also prevents eye diseases such as cataracts and vision loss. The recommended serving is to eat three guavas a day during the season to reap maximum benefits.
Guavas are rich in dietary fiber which is very beneficial to keep the arteries and blood vessels clean. This helps promote a moderate blood flow which is necessary for preventing excessive blood flow to the heart. Guavas are hypoglycemic and can be very helpful in regulating adequate blood flow throughout the body.
The digestive system facilitates the whole body is functioning properly. The adequate absorption of nutrients and the regular excretion of toxins and waste are necessary for the body to stay healthy. This fruit heals diarrhea and keeps the intestinal lining stays healthy, and the nutrients are being absorbed well.
Immunity is the body’s barrier to diseases and infections. When the immune system f the body weakens it is far easier for chronic diseases and infections to take root in the body. Guavas are a rich source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. Regular consumption of guavas can ensure that the body stays clear of disease and recovers quickly. The longer you stay sick especially during bouts of common cold and flu the weaker you immunity gets.
Guavas have been studied to keep the health of the thyroid gland in check and also target the excessive production of the TSH hormone. As Guavas help the body maintain a healthy metabolic rate, it also affects the overall thyroid health positively. It is a good source of copper which when deficient in the body can be the cause of thyroid hyperfunctions. This can develop into chronic illness and poses severe health risks. Better to eat right than suffer.
Scurvy is a severe health condition that can lead to other health problems. The main identified reason for scurvy is the deficiency of vitamin C. Guavas are a rich source of vitamin C, so much so that they are four times more potent than citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. Guava is deemed to be the best source of vitamin C in fruits.
As time passes the body ages both internally and externally, as much as we would like it not to be, aging is irreversible. However, eating a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamin C can protect the body and skin from oxidative damage and also from the effects of aging. Vitamin C is said to aid the production of collagen, especially in the skin cells. Guava face masks can also give the face a tightening and firming effect.
To keep the body healthy and promote oxygenation the metabolic rate needs to maintained and fruits such as guavas are rich in dietary fibers as well as antioxidants which are useful in muscle regeneration and also keep the brain functioning properly. The dietary fiber is also useful in helping the body break down complex proteins and completely, which besides all its benefits, also reduces bloating.
Diseases like diarrhea can strip the body of essential nutrient and also weaken the immune system. Eating something which helps bulk up the stool and also help retain nutrients in the body is necessary and guava fits the bill. The dietary fiber can help rid the body of this disease as it will bulk up the stool.
Healing snacking between meals is necessary for active weight loss. Eating less and foods that spike energy levels without actually providing any nutrients can be more damaging to the results we require rather than beneficial. Guavas are rich in vitamins and minerals which provide the right energy boost, and the dietary fiber keeps the stomach full for a long time.